Tuesday 1 March 2016

Give Without Sparing

What are the ways in which I can give? Giving a gift is the first thing that springs to mind, however I believe that there are many different ways in which I can give...
...a smile

With every sun comes a new day and if with that day boldness and bravery just happened to come my way, I could spend the whole day giving to others. There would be many opportunities to give to someone else. To provide a moment (or may be longer) of blessing for someone else.

I believe to give without sparing takes giving to a new level. In the past my motivation in giving a present has sometimes been so I might get one in return. I have helped someone out with my time because I could then remind them of this when I needed that time back. My motivation has now changed and now I simply wish to give to others, be it a gift, my time, my slightly crazy smile or my love.

Being mum has helped me with this because I have no choice than to put someone else's needs before my needs. When my eldest daughter was born I quickly learnt that 'I' had to wait!
Also when the new day brought with it the necessity to take a look at who I was, I began to realise that giving without sparing was a much better habit to concentrate on. It really is more rewarding to give than to receive.

Whilst writing this series on love, I have really been challenged to put my words into practise. As I take up the challenge to look for opportunities to give without sparing, I hope to be able to not limit the things I do for others as I tread this day. I hope that as the new days keep on coming, I will find the strength to love generously and to look for new and thoughtful ways to give.

"...it is more blessed to give than to receive."
Acts chapter 20 verse 35 (New International Version)

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