There are times when
I just want to not have to think. When I would like to switch off my brain
because all the thoughts running through my head are 1) taking me in the
completely wrong direction and 2) painful.
Usually, in moments
like this, I will reach for the iPad and play Suduko or watch something on TV -
although TV is not currently an option as I gave it up for lent and I have come
to the conclusion that I play Suduko just a little bit too often.
So, I have been
trying to use these moments more constructively. Sometimes it works other times
I manage to convince myself that I really do need more practise at placing the
numbers 1-9 in a square!
Although when I do persevere it often brings blessing. There have been times when I have picked up a book instead of the iPad and I so needed to read the words of that particular chapter. Sometimes it may be a chapter I have read before but because I could not remember where I was up to, it is now a chapter I have read again! Yet, those words were meant to be read again because they were the words of encouragement I needed to be running round my head - far better and more helpful than the negativity and fears that had been chasing around previously.
When things happen of
which I have no expectation or seemingly no control over, the first thing I tend
to do is think. These thoughts often go into overdrive and when there is no one
there to interject or to give support, then there is no telling where these
thoughts may take me.
However if I stop. If I change direction rather than just trying to switch off then I give myself an opportunity to find those better thoughts.
However if I stop. If I change direction rather than just trying to switch off then I give myself an opportunity to find those better thoughts.
It's almost like
having a little supply of 'good thoughts I can go to when negative ones are
dragging me down'!!
If I choose to not
make the effort to read and absorb these words of truth, then how will I top up
my supply of what is good? Instead, if I build up that supply I have a better
chance of being able to deal with whatever it is that is causing the need to feel I want
to switch off.
This treasure that I am learning to build my foundation on provides the opportunity to fix on what is good and true, which can then bring peace. When fear and worry is chasing round my head I do not have peace. Thinking negatively is not helpful and leads me in completely the wrong direction.
This treasure that I am learning to build my foundation on provides the opportunity to fix on what is good and true, which can then bring peace. When fear and worry is chasing round my head I do not have peace. Thinking negatively is not helpful and leads me in completely the wrong direction.
One of these
treasures I am continuing to learn is that with every sun comes a new day. So
in this new day I will aim to not take myself to a place where I feel I need
to switch off my thoughts. Instead I will switch my thoughts to what I know is
true and good and I will hope to keep these things running round my head,
however tricky that might sometimes be.
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